Friday, February 20, 2009

Search Engine Optimism

Will I ever be the top position on a Google search? It a question we all ask at some time if we are working with search engine optimization.

The answer depends on what we want to invest in time, energy, competitive analysis, and of course money. It is not after all matter of “if” so much as “when”, as long as we understand what we are up against.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) requires a certain degree of faith, since the world of SEO is fraught with unknowns. When will a search engine index my pages? How often will updates to my website be viewed as incremental value-added? Is my content equal to the challenge; my meta data superior to my competitor’s? Are incoming links as relevant to my keywords in the eyes of Goggle as I had hoped?

Regardless of the unknowns (and the unknowable), there is amble evidence available that a number of quality SEO-targeted and search engine acceptable procedures (site maps and submittals, proper meta content, care in creation of content, keyword and link relevancy to name a few) will force a website to rise in both ranking and search positions over time. The speed of the rise and the level of the increase are still a matter of some forces outside of our control (unless of course we work at Google!), and for this reason we need to temper all of our work with some wait-and-see, hope-and-pray, and simple optimism.

Which is why I am a Search Engine Optimist.

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